Disciple-making is about holistically forming people into the likeness of Jesus.
However, most disciple-making doesn’t get beyond what we think, or tends to move us toward what we do, which, sadly, means we miss what we feel and deeply believe.
Making disciples is leading people to increasingly submit every aspect of their lives to the empowering presence and power of Jesus. Every broken relationship, difficult situation, or painful wound presents us with the opportunity to be more deeply formed and intimately connected with Jesus.
Join pastor and writer, Jeff Vanderstelt, on Friday and Saturday, November 22–23, as we consider how to engage everyday practices with the aim to fully form people into the likeness of Jesus.
Friday, November 22, 7-9pm
6:30pm – Check-in Begins
7:00 – 9:00pm – Session 1 | Gospel Through the Heart: Feeling Your Way to Jesus
Saturday, November 23, 9am-4pm
8:30am – Doors Open
9:00am – Session 2 | Disciple-Making Environments: Life with God
10:30am – Session 3 | Disciple-Making Environments: Life on Life
11:30am – Lunch
1:00pm – Session 4 | Disciple-Making Environments: Life in Community
2:30pm – Session 5 | Disciple-Making Environments: Life on Mission
4:00pm – Prayer & Wrap-Up